


Tender beef tripe and old fried dough sticks: Two types of summer, which one do you belong to?

At the end of May, the sun was high in the sky, and the heat was scorching.

I carried the fan down from the attic, disassembled and cleaned it, just in case. I also prepared a cool mat, and then I realized that sitting on the cool mat made me want to eat watermelon. I bought a watermelon under the scorching sun and ate it while humming "I would rather turn into a flame, ah~ ah~ ah~" in my mind.

At noon, I bought a bowl of Sichuan-style spicy wontons (large dumplings) for twenty yuan, freshly made and cooked, not made with synthetic meat.


I added several spoonfuls of Baoning vinegar and a can of ice-cold beer. It was spicy and refreshing, and I ate until I was sweating. Sometimes, people have a strong desire to eat a certain food, in a specific weather, with a specific mood, which triggers a specific memory.

Listening to my body's changes and being able to eat the food I want is a kind of happiness.

After a bowl of spicy wontons, I rolled up my vest, massaged my stomach, and felt like I was the Jade Emperor himself. After a leisurely walk to aid digestion, I turned on the air conditioner for the first time this summer, randomly opened a book, read four lines, and entered sleep mode.

In a half-dream state, I realized that people perceive summer in completely different ways.

When a person feels unbearable heat, they may instinctively turn on the air conditioner to seek relief. This decision, based on the temperature of the body's surface, is a human instinctive response, a pursuit of comfort, and an adaptation to immediate environmental changes.

Another person may hold a different view. They may believe that, despite feeling the heat on their skin, summer has not truly arrived according to meteorological definitions.

They may refer to historical data, average seasonal temperatures, or official seasonal classifications to decide when to turn on the air conditioner.

This decision, based on the temperature of their thoughts, reflects respect for the changing seasons and adherence to natural laws.

Just like the ingredients in a hot pot, each has its own characteristics and temperature.

Some people, like a piece of tender tripe, are sensitive to environmental changes. As soon as they feel even a slight discomfort, they take immediate action to pursue instant comfort and pleasure. Like a precise thermometer, they constantly monitor their body temperature and, once it exceeds a certain threshold, they unhesitatingly activate the "cooling mode."

Others, like an old fried dough stick, have a deeper level of thinking. They examine problems from a macro perspective, consider long-term effects, and make decisions based on rational judgment. Like a sophisticated weather forecaster, they can predict temperature changes in advance and make reasonable plans based on the laws of the seasons.

These two types of people make completely different choices in life. There is no right or wrong. Summer does not delay its arrival because humans have given it various definitions. Who defines summer, when does it start? Why is the year divided into four seasons and the day into 24 hours?

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, the passage of time is relative and depends on the observer's motion and gravitational field. This means that under different physical conditions, the speed at which time passes may vary. In a sense, summer does not exist; it is defined by humans based on external environmental changes and their own life experiences.

I suddenly missed eating spicy hot pot during the dog days of summer in Chongqing. I was surprised and pondered whether it was legal to eat hot pot in front of the air conditioner in summer, while my friend had already finished a plate of tripe with his bare chest.

Why do I think hot pot must be eaten in winter? Let's break free from fixed thinking and conventional concepts, starting with this hot pot meal.

Hot pot is not exclusive to winter, and watermelon can be eaten in any season. They can happen anytime, anywhere, as long as you are willing, warmth and happiness are always there.

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