


How to build a memos in five minutes

Build a Cool Memos Using Gitblog#

Create a new repository on GitHub specifically for storing memos, and only use Issues. Open the Gitblog website, create an account, and select the repository you just created. Fill in the blog name, upload a website icon, and you're done!

It's as simple as that.

Of course, writing blog posts on GitHub's Issues may seem a bit strange, as the plain text formatting lacks aesthetic appeal. That's why I thought of using it as memos, without the need to install the offline memos project through Docker. Keep it simple and get things done in minutes.

You can think of it as a private circle of friends. If you don't want it to be public, simply close the project.

The principle is simple: convert GitHub Issues into a beautiful blog page, with a visually appealing backend for data display.


After selecting the specified repository for Gitblog installation, an external link with the repository name will be automatically generated. I know that domain names are not a problem for you. Developers provide free domain name binding services. Just add a CNAME record behind the domain name service provider. Remember to go back to, enter the domain name address, and save it for it to take effect.


The entire deployment process will not exceed ten minutes. The theme layout does have some issues, but perhaps it can be resolved by modifying the CSS to change the style.

The page loads instantly, and the overall user experience can be summed up in one word: fast!

🎉Welcome to visit the open memos, "Cold Bench Fragments"


Benefits of Editing on GitHub#

  • You can use Markdown syntax.
  • No need to worry about uploading images to an image hosting service or bandwidth issues.
  • There are beautiful tags, projects, milestones, and progress on the right side, allowing a simple flash of inspiration to take flight.
  • No need to worry about data backup. Even if the Gitblog project is gone, all the content is preserved in the GitHub repository's Issues.
  • GitHub's search function is powerful, so you won't have trouble finding your notes even if you have a lot of them.
  • Open notes. Comments directly jump to the project repository. If you have any questions about the notes, leave a message in the Issues. Let bloggers experience the joy of development like programmers.


There Is No Perfect Note-Taking Tool#

  • Currently, it feels inconvenient to use. You need to open GitHub and go to Issues to edit the text, unlike Flomo-like tools that allow you to record anytime.
  • The paid version of Gitblog provides an API, which is probably used to solve the problem of fast input.
  • The free version of the page theme only has one option, and the key is the layout. After clicking on it, the titles are too big, giving a shocking feeling.
  • It seems that it can only be used with a ladder. If you find it difficult to even open GitHub, then don't bother playing with it.


ps. To speed up opening GitHub Issues, simply add a button in Quicker. Just flick the mouse when you want to record, and it will open very quickly.

Gitblog is a lightweight, simple, and powerful blogging solution.

This tool can convert GitHub Issues into a static blog website, and it's free for individual blogs.

Official website:

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.