


The complexity and profundity of friendship, how to reconcile with differences?

On social media, I saw a netizen share:

Friendship is complex and profound. Even if there are differences and disputes in positions, I still want to try to reconcile with them.

His expression is really good.

Every time I drink and chat with friends in recent years, I have this feeling. Differences and arguments continue, there is no right or wrong, just cognitive and conceptual deviations.

When we discuss a topic or issue, they may all have their own reasons and basis. These reasons and bases may not be simply categorized as "right" or "wrong".

They always say, you can't change anything, doing these is meaningless.

Expressing non-acceptance of wrong things is human nature and common sense. Even though it is extremely difficult to make changes, should we give up pointing out mistakes and choose silence?

If the refrigerator doesn't cool, should I still be the compressor? If the hen doesn't lay eggs, should I still be the rooster? Pointing out problems is to solve problems; criticizing mistakes is to correct and rectify.

Some people say, how can you be sure that the mistakes you point out are definitely wrong? This question is worth pondering. How do we confirm that the mistakes we point out are indeed wrong?

One method is to seek evidence. We can collect data, observe behavior, or consult reliable sources to support our arguments.

Another method is to use logical reasoning. We can analyze the structure and premises of arguments to see if they lead to reasonable conclusions.

Although real-world problems are often complex and involve multiple factors and interests, universal values can indeed provide us with a moral and ethical framework.

You can't just say that you go out and hit someone for no reason and still need to fully verify right from wrong? Analyze the motives of the assailant, mental state, in short, he may have a reason that he must hit me? So the victim should accept that maybe he hit me for a compelling reason?

Universal values are the foundation of human dignity and rights, transcending borders, cultures, and beliefs. Of course, there is no absolute way to determine a mistake. Evidence and logical reasoning are flawed and may be influenced by bias and errors.

But the best way to confirm a mistake in the end is through open dialogue and critical thinking. I can point out mistakes, and you can prove that the mistakes I point out are not mistakes.

When we discuss, we are not talking to another person, but interacting with the huge machine behind their thoughts. This machine is made up of their experiences, background, education, values, and beliefs. These factors together shape their view of the world and how they process information. People are just the skin of this machine.

When we try to persuade someone, we are essentially trying to change their operating code. This is a daunting task because the machine has been programmed for decades, and even if there are bugs, it can still run normally unless you refactor it with a new framework.

Of course, I will feel lonely.

But I firmly believe and have also encountered fellow travelers who quietly light up and move forward in the dark forest.

There is no intersection between us, we have never met, but I know, in the darkness, someone is trying to find the light.

I think people need to find an anchor in this world, find something that makes you feel rooted and meaningful. This could be a person, a hobby, a career, or a belief.

With this anchor, no matter what life throws at you, you can stay stable and on course.

When we feel lost or confused, the anchor can help us regain balance and find our original direction.

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